What follows will be 10 lists of 10, for you to work on, post here if you like, or keep in a journal. I will be posting my personal “Lists of 10” for each of these categories, in coming days. It’s like President Obama’s first 100 days. (10 x 10 days).
Let’s see how much we can get done in the next 3 1/3 months.
So here’s your homework, to be taken on one list a day. DO THIS, and you will be surprised at the new you whom you meet next summer!Let’s get started:
List 10 things you are grateful for.
List 10 people you remember from high school. Can you reach them? Will you try?
List your 10 favorite songs. Burn them onto a disc.
List your 10 favorite colors. Find them right now and smile.
List your 10 favorite books. Will you read them this year?
List 10 things you wish your friend would say to you. Ask them to say them!
List 10 memories from high school.
List your 10 favorite animals. Go see them at the zoo, or get a DVD and watch them!
List 10 difficult things to do. Break them down into 10 steps each. Take one first step.
List the 10 Best Things of today.
12 years ago
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